Friday, September 10, 2010

On the Way to the UK

On the way to 2 weeks in the UK we stopped at Le Musée de la Grande Guerre in Peronne. Did the pond walk which was so well signposted we (wrongly) assumed it was worth doing, but was literally walking round a large pond, not even with a path, and there was so much dog poo about.  
Then we went into the museum as soon as it opened as we didn't have much time to look around and get to the ferry before it left.  The recommended time to look around the museum was 2 hours and to be honest I'm not really sure where they got that figure from.  We only took 30 minutes and even taking into account that Dr John flits about a bit, on my own it wouldn't have taken 4 times as long.

We had a disaster in the gift shop.  Dr John picked up a cup to show it to me and dropped it.  I offered to pay but it was okay as it was covered on insurance.  I was almost upset by it as it was part of a set of two and I quite fancied the other half but didn't think Chris Evans would've been too happy about it! 

They had exhibits of the different costumes and equipment which was really interesting as everything was explained in good detail and was laid out on the floor (albeit recessed and alarmed!) so that even littlies could see everything.  It was really well arranged and Dr John was interested in a lot of it, especially the guns.  I think he's really reaching an age where he can appreciate exhibits more.  I still have to speed read the descriptions and summarise as he won't stay still long enough for me to read anything out but at least he will listen to some of it!

We arrived at the ferry 2 hours early and were allowed on an earlier crossing. Funnily enough my mum and dad were crossing the channel with P&O too (they had gone on a weekend coach trip to Paris) but if we had gone at the same time as them we wouldn't have made it to their house the same evening.  As it was their ferry was changed to 30 minutes earlier and we arrived at their house just over an hour before them.  Luckily they don't live any further away as Pip had just about reached her travelling limit.  At least Dr John was able to see his grandparents that evening as I think he would've been very upset if not.

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